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                                    I. GENERAL SAFETY GUIDELINES

                                     A. Notification of Safety Defects 

                                     B. Restricted Visibility 

                                     C. Engine Revolution 

                                     D. Security Calls 


                                     II. DOCKING FACILITIES ON THE PASCAGOULA

                                        AND BAYOU CASOTTE SHIP CHANNELS 

                                     A. Docking Clearance 

                                     B. Special Operations 

                                     C. Vessel Berthing 

                                     D. Vessels Calling Chevron Refinery 


                                     III.  VESSEL GUIDELINES 

                                     A. Trim 

                                     B. Draft Limitations 


                                     IV.  VESSEL SCHEDULING 

                                     A. Pilots 

                                     B. Tugs 

                                     C. Scheduling Conflicts 


                                     V.  CHANNEL GUIDELINES 

                                     A. One-Way Traffic 

                                     B. Vessel Size 

                                     C. Weather 

                                     D. Special Circumstances 


These guidelines are intended for use on the waterways within, and leading to, the Port of Pascagoula. The guidelines contained herein are not intended in any way to supersede or assume the role of the rules and regulations contained in the Port of Pascagoula Tariff. All vessels operating within the harbor limits, waterways, and channels of the Port of Pascagoula shall comply with the "Inland Rules of the Road", Port of Pascagoula Tariff No. 2, and all other Federal, State, County or Municipal regulations.

The Port of Pascagoula has one of the best safety records in the country for the amount of traffic that uses the channel and we, the Port of Pascagoula and the Pascagoula shipping community, intend to do all in our power to keep it that way.





A. Notification of Safety Defects 

The master, agent, owner, or operator directing the movement of the vessel shall notify the Port Authority and the pilots of any condition or equipment malfunction which could possibly affect safe navigation of the vessel within any channel in the Port of Pascagoula. This should include inoperative windshield wipers or clearviews in addition to equipment in 33 CFR, Part 164.53  (see Port Tariff).


B. Restricted Visibility 

Due to the restrictive nature of the channel, it is imperative that vessels afford proper visibility from the bridge. If, because of ship design or obstructive deck cargo, a vessel cannot offer the pilot satisfactory visibility, then two pilots and/or daylight restriction may be imposed.


Satisfactory visibility shall be determined by the Rules and Regulations in 33 CFR, Part 164.15 (see Port Tariff).


C. Engine Revolution

Any vessel calling at the Port of Pascagoula must be capable of attaining the maneuvering RPMs and resultant speeds as posted in the wheelhouse. The vessels must also be able to go from one speed to another within a reasonable time. Any vessel without this capability may be restricted to daylight transit.


D. Security Calls 

Every vessel, prior to entering the Horn Island Pass Channel and Bayou Casotte Channel, or when getting underway from a berth, shall:

1. Maintain a radio watch on VHF Channels 13 and 16.

2. Check on other traffic operating in the area by making a security call on Channels 13 and 16 (see Appendix C).







A. Docking Clearance

When docking ships, adequate space must be made available to safely complete this operation. Clearance shall be maintained between vessels to allow for surge or other lateral movement.


B. Special Operations 

No vessel shall be moored in such a way as to block, in whole, or in part, the Federal channel.


Under certain conditions, vessels moored within the Port of Pascagoula, with barges alongside, create a hazard to navigation. Such barges may be required to move to allow safe passage for other traffic.


Any ship docked at the south dock of Mississippi Phosphates shall be cleared when a vessel whose LOA is greater than 700' is to be turned in North Bayou Casotte turning basin. Mississippi Phosphates shall be informed at least three hours prior to vessel turning.


C. Vessel Berthing 

The length of vessels docking in the Port of Pascagoula should be restricted to adequately allow for proper mooring of the vessel.


D. Vessels Calling Chevron Refinery 

Vessels calling the Chevron refinery facilities should call the Chevron dock office and Pilot Dispatch prior to entering the Horn Island Pass Channel on VHF channel 16, or by phone 228-938-4512/09 and 228-762-1151.





A. Trim 

All vessels transiting the waterways of the Port of Pascagoula should be properly trimmed to allow for maximum maneuvering capabilities.


B. Draft Limitations 

The channels leading into the Port of Pascagoula are maintained by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and have a project depth of 42' from Seabouy to Bayou Cassotte. However, at any given time, actual channel depths will vary and could be less than project depth. Copies of the latest Corps of Engineers hydrographic report are available from the Port and should be used when determining the deep drafth. Soundings or draft limitations at berths within the Port of Pascagoula should be obtained from the terminal operator.


Vessels over 37 feet of draft may be restricted to daylight for the entire transit and may require additional tug assistance as determined by the Pilot.






A. Pilots 

Orders for pilots must be placed not more than 24 hours, nor less than two hours prior to vessel movement.


B. Tugs 

If tugs are required, they should be ordered not less than 2 hours in advance.


C. Scheduling Conflicts

The generally accepted rule will be first ordered, first served. Exception to this rule will be when mutually agreed by conflicting parties, or when determined by the Port Authority, after consultation with the involved parties, that port activities can best be served by an alternative method.






A. One-Way Traffic 

Due to the narrow width of the channels within the Port of Pascagoula, ocean going vessels shall be limited to one-way traffic.


B. Vessel Size 

Vessels greater than 750' LOA, or beam exceeding 125' may be limited to daylight transit. Drill rigs with a beam greater than 300' are not recommended.


NOTE: After a vessel has made three port calls, and subject to review by the pilots, certain vessels may be exempt from some or all of the above restrictions.


C. Weather 

As wind approaches 30kts and/or seas 10'-12', vessels will be handled on a case by case basis. Drill rigs are limited in transit to winds 15kts or less.


D. Special Circumstances

Vessels over 785' LOA or 125' beam may be required to have two pilots during transit.

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In the interest of safety, hoping to protect the citizens and environment of the Mississippi Barrier Islands, Sound and Mainland, we, the Pascagoula Bar Pilots Association, recommend the following guidelines for vessels arriving at the private and public docks in Jackson County.


1. As weather permits, drill rigs and other non-descript vessels will be required a minimum of two pilots for any movement and will be restricted to daylight hours only. Vessels of this type will be required to sign a Hold Harmless Agreement for all movements. Those drill rigs docking and undocking in congested areas may require additional pilots on the rig in addition to one pilot on the lead tug.


2. Vessels capable of loading and discharging rigs and barges will be restricted to daylight movements only and when loading or discharging rigs will require two pilots for channel and harbor movements.


3. Vessels 750 feet or greater in length will turn in the Pascagoula River and Bayou Casotte turning basins during daylight hours only. Vessels in excess of 750 feet in length or with a beam greater than 125 feet may cross the bar during daylight hours only. Vessels over 700 feet may require 2 pilots for turning at night in the Bayou Cassotte north turning basin and Pascagoula River turning basin.


4. Those vessels less than 700 feet in length and less than 125 feet in beam will be limited to daylight movement when the draft exceeds 37 feet. Vessels less than 750 feet in length and beam less than 125 feet with draft exceeding 30 feet may be restricted to daylight only.


5. These requirements are established as guidelines only with each being considered on a case by case basis, as to its characteristics and maneuvering capabilities. As weather, also plays a great part in the maneuvering of vessels, consideration will be given to high winds, high river current, reduced visibility or a large range in tide.


6. The number of tugs used will be decided by each individual pilot with all factors taken into account. 


**Disclaimer -- Nothing in these schedules shall be construed to limit in any way the discretion of the individual Pilot assigned to a vessel. Ships and the water they ply represent an ever-changing environment. One cannot set forth hard and fast rules to address every possible situation that may be encountered, nor is it safe to do so. The individual Pilot conning a vessel is in the best position to evaluate specific circumstances and determine what actions should or should not be taken at any given moment. These recommendations are made in the interest of safety and to allow vessel operators to anticipate and plan their vessel's schedules with greater accuracy. They are in no way intended to limit, hinder, or override the on-scene discretion of individual Pilots as they navigate vessels on the Horn Island Pass Channel and Bayou Casotte Channel. There may be situations in which actions that depart from or conflict with these guidelines may be necessary to address special circumstances that arise.

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